A hughe network about more then 600 global manufacturers, long time experiences in the laboratory market support researchers and lab product users professionally in there daily work.
A great and fair partnership helps to live always a great win win partnership together with our clients.
Altus Biolabs is an analytical laboratory specialized in the analysis of cannabinoids in various cannabis products as well as the development of analytical assays for the detection of plant pathogens. Our goal is to ensure the quality and safety of cannabis products on the market and to help their producers streamline their processes
RIANA Therapeutics' approach to drug discovery is based on its proprietary platform technology for discovering compounds that target cancer-promoting protein-protein interactions (PPIs). Using this novel approach, RIANA is searching for inhibitors that block the formation of specific oncogenic PPIs. RIANA is currently working to develop new compounds that specifically target acute myeloid leukemia (AML) as well as other blood cancers and certain types of solid tumors.
IT Support for Life Science. Cybersecurity, Computational Biology )Bioinformatics), "Big Pharma" digital Compliance
MAG – Molecular Architecture Group – brings together scientists with decades-long experience in NMR applications for drug design
Karyon Biopharma Consulting e.U. supports clients during non-clinical drug development.
Services encompass:
• Design of product-tailored non-clinical development plans for medicinal products to enable CTA/IND (small molecules, biologics, ATMPs (cell- and vector-based), vaccines)
• Support in CRO selection and placement of studies at CROs (request for proposals for complex non-clinical programs, CRO comparisons up to placement and elaboration of detailed study plans)
• Involvement in study designs for non-GLP and GLP studies, monitoring and study report reviews, including data interpretation
• Support for regulatory questions: early regulatory strategy, preparation and conduct of regulatory interactions with regulatory Authorities, including coordination and moderation of Scientific Advice Meetings (national Authorities / EMA / FDA)
• Scientific writing of a broad range of (regulatory) documents, including non-clinical parts of Briefing Documents for Scientific Advice Meetings, IBs, non-clinical summaries and overviews of CTDs / INDs, non-clinical ATMP certification dossiers
• Preparation of different types of toxicological risk assessments / expert statements
• Preparation of biological evaluation reports (BERs) for substance-based medical devices
For further details, please contact me at a.guenzl@karyon-consulting.com
We are Experts at Translating Complex Science Into the Real-World: bridge the gap between science and people, manufacturers and regulators. At BioSciPons we work at the interface of regulatory, medical affairs and communication. We are experts at translating complex science into precise and clear communication contents (e.g., Reports, Technical files, Investigator Brochures, Medical Manuscripts, Articles, Instructions for Use, User Manuals, Video Scripts, Posters,...). Our aim is to explain the relevance and ramifications of your medical device or your scientific findings, while maintaining regulatory correctness and scientific acumen. We want to bridge the gap between R&D, regulatory agencies, healthcare and users/consumers - hence our bridge as a logo. To cross this bridge two things are needed: a high level of communication, and a deep understanding of clinical science & regulations. As clinical scientists, we understand the details. As communicators, we can transform your complex clinical data and translate it into a consistent message, that can then be tailored to each target audience (e.g., regulators, peer-reviewers, board executives, users/consumers/patients). With our "outside-of-the-box" approach, we can foresight the gaps in your clinical data; and prepare your product for the "curve ahead". We not only want you to cross the bridge, but help you go forward on a straight highway. BioSciPons works from any starting point for a customised service. We personalise our services to fit the needs of each individual medical/biotechnology product through PhD knowledge.
Expertise: Digital Therapeutics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Software as Medical Device, Injectables/Implantable's Class III.
Marinomed Biotech AG is a biopharmaceutical company focused on inventing, developing, and partnering clinically meaningful therapies for patients suffering from serious viral infectious diseases and autoreactive immune disorders. Since its foundation in 2006, Marinomed has launched two powerful technologies (Carragelose® and Marinosolv®) with promising product candidates in the pipeline and a great potential for developing drugs that target diseases with high unmet medical need.
BioPeak offers technology consulting for biotech and pharma. BioPeak services include data strategy, data architecture and data analysis solutions, tailored software solutions for your business processes, consultation in bioimaging solutions and hardware engineering for your R&D needs.
Festo – das Unternehmen
Festo Österreich ist Marktführer in der Automation mit Pneumatik und Elektrik sowie der technischen Aus- und Weiterbildung. Das Unternehmen ist für den Vertrieb in Österreich zuständig und bildet zusätzlich die Drehscheibe für die mittel- und osteuropäischen Konzernaktivitäten sowie für die Produkt- und Systementwicklung. Zu Festo Österreich gehören 120 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter – insgesamt beschäftigt Festo in 60 Ländern etwa 20.800 Personen. Mit rund 33.000 Katalogprodukten in einigen hunderttausend Varianten nimmt Festo weltweit eine führende Rolle in der Industrie- und Prozessautomation ein. Jährlich investiert der Konzern rund 7 % seines Umsatzes (2022 rd. 3,81 Mrd. Euro) in Entwicklung und Forschung. In Österreich betreibt Festo eine eigene Forschungseinheit für industrielle Steuerungstechnik und ein Technic and Application Center, das Kunden bei ihrer Entwicklungstätigkeit unterstützt. Corporate Educational Responsibility: Das Familienunternehmen nimmt seine gesellschaftliche Verantwortung vor allem im Bildungsbereich sehr engagiert wahr – beispielsweise durch einen eigenen Bildungsfonds und die Vergabe von Experimentierboxen an Schulen.
lablife gmbh is specialized in the development and production of video tutorials for life science laboratories.
lablife gmbh offers high quality video tutorials and training material for the cell culture laboratory. lablife videos are according to international guidelines for Good Cell Culture Practice (GCCP). They enhance reproducibility and standardization of cell culture experiments, and, furthermore, reduce the time for one-on-one training sessions for newcomers to the lab by 60 %.
The videos cover fundamental skills of the cell culture laboratory, such as good practices, tips and hacks and common mistakes. The downloadable lablife training material includes protocols, example calculations and checklists for laboratory work.
M-B-V-C offers expert venture management and strategy consulting for entrepreneurs and executives in tech- and innovation-driven startups and intrapreneurial business ventures towards company success.
Unlock efficiency in your exploration and exploitation activities through expert advice on your strategy, business plan, team building, fundraising, business development, scaling and company development towards successful commercialisation.
#venture #biotech #biopharma #deeptech #innovation #commercialisation #success #exploration #exploitation #ambidexterity #m-b-v-c
Die Confideck-Software ist auf die Automatisierung von Compliance-Prozessen zugeschnitten und unterstützt MedTech-Hersteller bei der Einhaltung von MDR/IVDR und FDA sowie bei der effizienten Verwaltung der technischen Dokumentation.
medupha ist Experte für healthcare Marktforschung. Mit einem Team aus Pharma-/Healthcare Expert:innen, Psycholog:innen und Marktforschungsexpert:innen setzt das Institut Ärztebefragungen, Patientenumfragen und Bevölkerungsumfragen für verschiedene stakeholder im Gesundheitswesen um (Pharma, Medizintechnik, Biotech, öffentlicher Sektor, Gesundheitsdienstleister, .. ). Das Institut analysiert Märkte, Therapiegewohnheiten, Patientenmeinungen und hat 50 Jahre Expertise in Methodik, Analyse und Beratung. Zwei qualifizierte eigene Befragungspools (Ärzte, Patient:innen - www.patietenstimme.eu) garantieren Zugang zu relevanten Zielgruppen.
bespark*bio is a privately held biotech start-up, offering bespoke process development for novel biotherapeutics such as viral vectors, bionanoparticles (VLPs and exosomes), and biologics (monoclonal antibodies).
We deliver robust, phase-appropriate and scalable processes, enhance development efficiency and significantly de-risk development activities for our clients.
EDE – Your partner for successful studies and research. Smart monitoring of health in everyday life through personalized questioning via app and simultaneous measurement using a wearable for optimal support of probands.
LISAvienna is the cluster platform for life sciences in Vienna, which was set up at the interface of Austria Wirtschaftsservice and the Vienna Business Agency. On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and the City of Vienna, it contributes to the further development of the industry. LISAvienna supports innovative companies in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical products and digital health that develop new products, services and processes in Vienna and bring them to market internationally. The platform connects these companies with development partners and lead customers. As a thought leader, LISAvienna provides a basis for decision-making to strengthen the life sciences in Vienna and helps to position Vienna as one of Europe's leading innovation centers.
PharmaCS Gmbh is a consulting company based in Vienna. We offer a broad range of Pharma Consulting & Services for Field Force, Marketing, Market Access & Pharma Operations.