Microsynth Austria is an Austrian subsidiary of Microsynth AG and is located at the Biotechnology Center in Vienna. The parent company has it's headquarter in Balgach, Switzerland, and operates further subsidiaries in Germany (Microsynth Seqlab) and France (Microsynth France). Altogether Microsynth employs a staff of more than 100 people.
R&D:A versatile analytical toolbox covering the realm of molecular genetics, combined with three decades of life science experience, has helped Microsynth become a leading contract research organization (CRO) in the niche of nucleotide acid analysis and synthesis. Today, Microsynth can provide GLP/GMP-compliant assay development, assay validation, and sample testing to support biological drug development and manufacturing activities world-wide. Microsynth is proud to count among its customers numerous high-profile companies developing novel classes of therapeutics such as CRISPR-based gene therapies or mRNA-based APIs.
Services:Microsynth is a leading European company in the area of nucleic acid synthesis & analysis. The main activities are divided into the following three business areas: DNA/RNA SYNTHESIS DNA/RNA ANALYSYS AND SEQUENCING CONTRACT RESEARCH/OUTSOURCING
Leberstr. 20
1110 Wien
Contact: Bernhard Binishofer (Operating Manager Austria)
Email: bernhard.binishofer@microsynth.at