Marinomed Biotech AG is a biopharmaceutical company focused on inventing, developing, and partnering clinically meaningful therapies for patients suffering from serious viral infectious diseases and autoreactive immune disorders. Since its foundation in 2006, Marinomed has launched two powerful technologies (Carragelose® and Marinosolv®) with promising product candidates in the pipeline and a great potential for developing drugs that target diseases with high unmet medical need.
R&D:Marinomed's mission is to develop innovative treatments for indications in virology and immunology. The company has a proven track record of success with products for the prophylaxis and treatment of viral respiratory infections based on Carragelose® already marketed internationally and several follow-on compounds in development. The patent-protected Marinosolv® technology enables novel stable aqueous formulations of hardly soluble compounds such as - but not limited to - corticosteroids, allowing a faster onset of action and better bioavailability. Marinomeds active pipeline includes several product candidates in late-stage development, including the clinically successful products Tacrosolv (for the treatment of severe inflammatory eye diseases) and Budesolv (for the treatment of severe allergic rhinitis). Learn more about our pipeline here:
Production:Marinomed has outsourced finished product manufacturing to first class renowned partners. All Carragelose® containing products are part of a virus- and allergen-blocking OTC product portfolio The products for treating viral respiratory diseases are launched in numerous European countries as well as outside of Europe. Details at:
Services:Marinomed provides Solv4U technology partnerships to address solubility and bioavailability issues and to support formulation development of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in all stages of drug discovery based on its proprietary innovative Marinosolv® technology platform. More information on Solv4U:
Sales/Distribution:Marinomeds products are distributed and sold via partnerships with internationally renowned companies. For details visit:
Hovengasse 25
Contact: Andreas Grassauer
Telephone: +43 2262 90300