IST Austria is an international, PhD-granting research institution dedicated to cutting-edge research in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Information and System Sciences. It was established in 2009 and was ranked 3rd among the world's best research institutions in the Nature normalized Index 2019. IST is a world leader in successful ERC grant applications with the 65 institute’s professors holding a combined amount of 39 ERC grants.
R&D:IST is a cross-disciplinary institution that combines basic research with graduate education. Its scientists are organized in small to medium-size research groups headed by a tenured or tenure-track professor. IST research is conducted across the boundaries of traditional Computer, Physical and Life Sciences, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The institute’s Scientific Service Units provide expert services and state-of-the-art equipment, and ensure researchers’ performance at a high competitive level.
Services:The IST's Electron microscopy facility, Nanofabrication, and preclinical facility are open to external partners and the lab support facility provides essential lab equipment as well. Consulting, on the other side, is limited to the techniques applied and machines used at IST Austria. While, theoretically, all services are open to any commercial partner, IST scientists and collaborators have a priority on all services. In addition, IST Park provides office and lab space to other companies.
Am Campus 1
3400 Klosterneuburg
Lower Austria
Contact: Georg Schneider (Managing Director)