Rooting in space medicine, the Human Research Intitute is devoted to the assessment of health and healthy living. We have developed methods to quantify health factors like stress levels and sleep quality. “We visualize health!” – is the ambitious motto of the institute. Whereas medicine today usually diagnoses and treats illnesses, the expertise of the Human Research Institute lies in the evaluation of coordinative body functions and of factors that bring forth and preserve health. The non
R&D:We explore new wearable sensor technologies and develop algorithms and applications in various domains. We develop miniaturized devices for measuring the autonomic nervous system, blood pressure and other body functions. We aim for devices and methods that are small, easy to use and support the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.
Services:To our customers we offer complete trial services for testing their products, assessing environmental influences and testing therapies, whether in clinical settings, in our psychophysiology lab or in the real world. There is special expertise in controlled field testing and conducting studies under real-life conditions, directly at home or at the workplace.